Mali Koprčani /Pici Cavresani /Piccoli Capodistriani

Published on 23 September 2022 at 15:39

Local Art Exhibition for Lutke iz Maljine skrinjice

Malya's Magic Dolls / Lutke iz Maljine skrinjice are going on Exhibition by the end of September!

Lutke iz Maljine skrinice / Malya's Magic Dolls go on exhibition, Dolcetesoromio!

MALI KOPRČANI / PICI CAVRESANI / PICCOLI CAPODISTRIANI is an exhibition dedicated to the people of Koper, Alenka's hometown.

All the little crocheted dolls rapresent the characters from Alenka's books and the tarditional inhabitants of Koper - Capodistria.

The inauguration of the exhibition will take palce at Palazzo Gravisi, Ulica OF10, Koper-Capodistria, on September 30th at 7 PM.

The exhibition will be presented by the curator, ethnologist Tine Novak Pucer. 


The exhibition supported by:

  • Comunita degli Italiani Santorio Santorio di Capodistria
  • Comunita' autogestita costiera della nazionalita' italiana
  • Comunita' autogestita della nazionalita' italiana di Capodistria
  • Sklad Živeti s pristaniščem - Luka Koper
  • Mestna Občina Koper
  • Republika Slovenija Ministrstvo za kulturo


Marino Kranjac will present his music and the dolls with stories, that create the magical artistic universe of Alenka, his wife. 


It will be an open Exhibition, and the dolls will be eligible for purchase after the show ends. 

Alenka and Marino are actively looking for Sponsors and Art Patrons to support their artistic endeavorst, creations, performances and events. 

You are welcome to visti the show and contact the authors for purchasing the dolls or for further collaboration. 


#Lutkeizmaljineskrinjice #Vilinskakri #malyasmagicdolls #dolcetesoromio 

#malikoprčani #picicavresani #piccolicapodistriani 

 #santoriosantorio #Capodsitria #cancapodistria #portofKoper  #LukaKoper  #živetispristaniščem 

#MarinoKranjac #AlenkaKranjac 


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2 years ago

Čudovite misli in srčne besede so pospremile razstavo lutk MALI KOPRČANI / PICI CAVRESANI / PICCOLI CAPODISTRIANI.
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